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Yesterday was a day to sit around the table and reflect and give thanks. It’s easy to get lost in the day to day but there is much to be thankful for.
Thankful for the RIM Family
In addition, to my personal family, I am thankful for the RIM Family. As said before the RIM Family is a diverse group of individuals and families that spans multiple occupations, stages of life and across several states. When I think about the members of the RIM Family my thoughts go to the work we are doing to prepare for their children’s college, their retirement, their insurance needs to protect them and their loved ones and anything in between.
It's never been better to be alive.
We discuss in meetings, on calls, and in this memo often the perils of short term thinking v. the benefit of a long view mindset. 2018 thus far has been a crazy year with wildfires, hurricanes and a political climate that constantly makes you shake your head.
One of the best books I read this year is Factfulness, by Hans Rosling. It’s a great easy read if you are interested. When you look back over time it’s impossible not to be thankful for where we are today. Here are a few that jumped out to me from this book and other sources.
Flying has gotten 2,100 times safer over the past 70 years. 2016 was the second safest year in aviation history. The odds of being fatally injured in a plane crash are just 0.000025%.
The share of homes that had electricity in 1870 was exactly zero. Today the proportion of people with electricity is 85%.
The average American now retires at age 62. One hundred years ago, the average American died at age 51.
By the late-1600s, one-third of the children born in the richest parts of the world died before their 5th birthday. Today, this sad fate befalls just 6% of the children in the poorest parts of the world.
When poverty is defined in terms of what people consume rather than what they earn, the American poverty rate has declined by 90% since 1960, from 30% of the population to just 3%.
Early in the 19th century, 12% of the world could read and write. Today it’s 83%.
A Lesson in Gratitude from Nature
A few weeks ago I went on a hiking trip in Linville Gorge. The trip was perfectly timed. It forced me to slow down and simply think. As we were crossing streams, climbing hills and hanging our food from trees to make sure bears didn’t help themselves I couldn’t help but think 150 year ago this was a way of life not a choice to encounter nature.
I hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving and will have a prosperous end to 2018.
Have a great weekend and Take the Long View!
– PK